Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tomorrow is the day.... Sad. You will have to fly off tomorrow night for your training... I will only see you again in 2 weeks. :(
Well, at least, I get to see you again tomorow, before you go...
Anyway, happy thoughts now... :)
Just now, before Dearie and me cracked our brains again at my home, we were outside. We caught the movie 'Get Smart'. I was happy to be out on this date, because it was my Dearie who initiated the date. He rarely asks me out. Not to complain, but normally I was the one who needed to go here n there, and he would be there to be my shadow. Hehehe... :P
And, while we were having our meal, he told me this. On Thursday night, he and his parents had a talk regarding our relationship. His dad had told him that in the year 2010, Dearie's parents would be going to Haj, insya-Allah. Next year then they will start going for the Haj course. And once they come back from Haj, preparations will be made... For our engagement. Dearie said: "Hari yang kita tunang nanti, insya-Allah, my dad sendiri yang akan datang untuk melamar, dengan my pakcik". Translated: "On the day of engagement itself, my dad n uncle will come n propose."
I was like shocked to hear that... I mean, his dad himself brought up the matter!! Hehehe.... Alhamdulillah... Anyway, I knew that I did mention we thought of getting married straight, no need to get engaged, but since my dad doesn't mind much, and his parents want it that way, we as children respect our parents' wishes. Right now, I just can't wait for 2010!!! :P
As I am blogging, I just informed my dad about it. He is very happy to hear the news! Alhamdulillah. Even though it is still about 2 years away, as we all know, time flies very fast. And anyway, we could have our engagement earlier before his parents go for Haj, but we wanna wait till I finish my studies. Yup, insya Allah this October I will start my degree. Alhamdulillah, with support from Dearie, I managed to talk to my dad and convince him how important it is for me to take up this course.
Now my heart is just too happy about the news that I think it's gonna explode. But at the same time, I am sad about tomorrow. :(
Dearie, I pray you have a safe journey there and back here. Promise me you will come back safely and and in good health. And, sorry, I know you said not to tell them abt that news yet, but I just cant keep it to myself, I mean, I just too happy! :)
I'll see you tomorrow... Miss you...