Flu's here. Hmmm. Throat feels funny, nose is so very uncomfortable, head's spinning, and body feels feverish... :(
Must be due to yesterday, I had the K2 graduation concert in the morning till 1pm. What with the noise level, and with my children being over-excited, I had to raise my voice just so that my children can hear my instructions. There was this boy in my class who was absent on Friday as he went Hari Raya visiting, he kept on hugging me and saying 'Teacher Lissa, I miss you!!' Haha... So cute when I think about it. Imagine when he goes to primary school... :(
When I came back home, after resting, Dearie came over, and after all got ready, we went out. First to Yishun, where my uncle has invited Dearie too to his open house. Then, my dad sent me and Dearie to Marsiling, our friend's house. Well, she's our insurance agent to be precise. :P
From left: Kak Yati, me, Dearie, and Kak Yati's hubby. In the background you can see the pics of her children. :P
From there, me and Dearie took a cab to Bedok Reservoir Road, where his secondary school friend stayed.
Dearie and his friend, Rahman. They haven't met since 2003 or 2004 Hari Raya! Imagine how long! Dearie said to his friend last night, maybe, who knows, the next time we go to his home, we would be as a family already. Hehe... :P
Me and my Dearie, taken by Rahman. That is my 'soon-to-be-sick' face. :(
All 3 of us together. Notice, by co-incidence, he was wearing blue too. Hehe... This was taken by Rahman's sister. Thank you!!
Later at noon, my family and I will go to Dearie's house, before his dad goes to work. Then Dearie and I wll continue visiting his other friends, and finally, we will meet up with my family at my aunt's house. More pics coming up!! :P