Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Time to say congratulations!!
To 2 of my dear friends, for having just given birth to their first child, a prince n a princess. Their babies are just oh so beautiful that I just cant help wishing my time will come soon. Hehehe... Well, we the future Mr n Mrs (hehe) are starting some surveying already although the time is still quite far off.
My Dearie is now quite stressed about his exams. The first is over, and this weekend will be his 2nd paper. Pity him... And this Saturday, will be the PCF Tampines Sports Meet. Kinda exciting for me coz it is my first time. Will update more on that next time.
Well, as it turns out, I am not taking up my degree. Hmmm. Its ok, at least I can help out my family and save the money then.
Hmmm, having mind block. What happened to me....???? Maybe Dearie's stress over his exams had passed over to me. Guess I should talk to him now. Til then... :P